Wednesday, October 7, 2009

belly button...

buddy knows where his eyes, nose, mouth, ears and belly button are. he can point them out on mommy and daddy...

i may as well catch you up on buddy.
he says:
thank you
all done

he will shake his head to "no no"
when you say poppie or duckie he will stop what he is doing to run to the computer to talk to them. he knows that is where we talk with them.
if is brother is crying he will stop what he is doing and run to him to make sure he is ok. he is my little helper. he will pick up his toys and put them back in the right boxes. i am so in love every day with him.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


i have a blog called MEKMCM
i started that blog years ago. in the past couple years people have been reading the blog which i love it when people do but there are people who have been taking the pictures off my blog and posting them with nasty things to say about my kids. they also have been leaving mean and nasty comments on our family post. so i am going to have this blog be for the family. this way i know that my family's story's and pictures will not be treated the way the have in the past. i hope you stop over at the old blog to look back or to learn about our family since 2005. i look forward to sharing with you about all the great things that go on in our family. hope you keep reading.