Saturday, October 3, 2009


i have a blog called MEKMCM
i started that blog years ago. in the past couple years people have been reading the blog which i love it when people do but there are people who have been taking the pictures off my blog and posting them with nasty things to say about my kids. they also have been leaving mean and nasty comments on our family post. so i am going to have this blog be for the family. this way i know that my family's story's and pictures will not be treated the way the have in the past. i hope you stop over at the old blog to look back or to learn about our family since 2005. i look forward to sharing with you about all the great things that go on in our family. hope you keep reading.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new blog. I love the photo collage you made up top, so cute. Sorry to hear about the yucky attention you've had. All I can say is "some people's kids." Isn't it great to know that we can raise kids who are kind, loving and generous and who know the difference between right and wrong and won't grow up to be mean and hurtful people? Just keep looking up and loving on that family of yours.
